Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!
21  02.2025
Congratulations from the director of the institute, Natalia Nikolaevna Zaitseva.
Happy Russian Science Day!
07  02.2025
Congratulations from the director of the institute N.N. Zaitseva


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License № 52.NTS.12.001.L.000033.08.06 from 07.08.2006  - allows to work with infectious agents (microorganisms of groups III-IV pathogenicity, protozoa of III-IV groups of pathogenicity and worms of group IV pathogenicity) (in Russian Federation).

License № Л041-001 10-52/00367227 from 06.07.2018  - allows to provide specialized medical care in terms of: bacteriology, gastroenterology, infectious diseases, clinical laboratory diagnostics, laboratory diagnostics, medical statistics, radiology, nursing, transfusiology, ultrasound diagnostics, functional diagnostics, endoscopy; and also medical examinations: examination of the quality of medical care, examination of temporary disability (in Russian Federation).

License № 23 from 22.02.2019 - allows to provide educational services for additional professional courses (in Russian Federation).