All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the establishment of the Federal Budgetary Scientific Institution NNIIEM named after Academician I.N. Blokhina
04  07.2024
Dear colleagues! We invite you to take part in the All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Scientific support for anti-epidemic protection of the population: current problems and solutions" dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the establishment of the Federal Budgetary Scientific Institution NNIIEM named after Academician I.N. Blokhina of Rospotrebnadzor.
Day of Remembrance and Sorrow
22  06.2024
June, 22 - the anniversary of the start of the Great Patriotic War.


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Department of Epidemiology

Laboratory of Epidemiology of Viral Hepatitis

Head of the laboratory – C.M.S. Anastasiya V. Polyanina

Laboratory of Molecular Epidemiology of Viral Infections

Head of the laboratory – D.B.S., prof. Nadezhda A.Novikova

Laboratory of GIS-Technologies and Bioinformatics


Department of Microbiology and Endoecology

Laboratory of Microbiology

Head of the laboratory - D.B.S. Dmitry V. Kryazhev

Laboratory of Human Microbiom and Means of Its Correction

Head of the laboratory – D.B.S., ass. prof. Irina V.Solovyova

Laboratory of Metagenomics and Molecular Indication of Patogens

Head of the laboratory – C.M.S., ass. prof. Nina F. Brusnigina

Department of Immunology and Molecular Biology

Laboratory of Cell Immunology

Head of the laboratory – D.M.S., prof. Vladimir Yu. Talaev

Laboratory of Immunochemistry

Head of the laboratory – D.B.S., prof. Victor V. Novikov

Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology

Head of the laboratory – C.B.S. Oleg V. Utkin