Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!
28  12.2024
Congratulations from the director of the institute N.N. Zaitseva
As part of the AIDS Week, the institute's staff held thematic classes with students of the Volga Region Research Medical University
26  12.2024
Educational and outreach events for 3rd year students of the medical faculty of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Primary Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of Russia were held as part of the traditional #STOPHIVAIDS campaign for World AIDS Day.

Soviet of Young Scientists

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Soviet of Young Scientists of Blokhina Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology of Nizhny Novgorod was created in 2007 on a voluntary basis in order to organize and coordinate the scientific activities of young scientists and tspecialists. The aim is to increase creativity and scientific interest, as well as to expand interaction between different departments of the institute and other research institutions and universities.

The Soviet of Young Scientists aims to increase the activity of young scientists in publications, unique research and production activities, to promote their scientific and technical growth and expand the range of contacts with representatives of other organizations, to increase the role of young scientists in obtaining new knowledge and practical implementation of science.

In its activities, the Soviet is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the current legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory documents of Rospotrebnadzor and the Regulations.

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