All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the establishment of the Federal Budgetary Scientific Institution NNIIEM named after Academician I.N. Blokhina
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Dear colleagues! We invite you to take part in the All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Scientific support for anti-epidemic protection of the population: current problems and solutions" dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the establishment of the Federal Budgetary Scientific Institution NNIIEM named after Academician I.N. Blokhina of Rospotrebnadzor.
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Trade Union

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A trade union organization has existed at the institute since its inception. The modern page of the history of the primary trade union organization of the Blokhina Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology of Nizhny Novgorod begins in 1989.

It was a difficult time of restructuring, both for the country and for the institute: the enterprise of biopreparations stood out from its composition. And in 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed, and Russia became an independent state. But the trade union organization of the institute did not fall apart, survived and passed all the tests of the transition period.

From the very beginning until 2019, the permanent chairman of the BSRIEMNN trade union committee was Larionova Tatyana Vladimirovna. The first membership of the trade union committee included Vera Viktorovna Koroleva, Vladimir Nikolaevich Mazepa, Nina Valentinovna Noskova, Nadezhda Alekseevna Novikova, Tatyana Artemievna Troshina, Natalya Viktorovna Neumoina, Alexandra Vasilyevna Serebrovskaya and Antonina Nikolaevna Parshikhina. These people managed not only to support the staff of the institute in a troubled and unstable time, but also to rally them.

At present, our primary trade union organization has 89 members.