Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!
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Congratulations from the director of the institute N.N. Zaitseva
As part of the AIDS Week, the institute's staff held thematic classes with students of the Volga Region Research Medical University
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Educational and outreach events for 3rd year students of the medical faculty of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Primary Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of Russia were held as part of the traditional #STOPHIVAIDS campaign for World AIDS Day.

From November 25 to December 1, 2019 The Seventh All-Russian Action "Stop HIV / AIDS" is held, dedicated to World AIDS Day

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From November 25 to December 1, 2019 The Seventh All-Russian Action "Stop HIV / AIDS" is held, dedicated to World AIDS Day
26  11.2019
Actio is aimed at solving the most important tasks of the State Strategy for Countering the Spread of HIV in the Russian Federation.

The objectives of the State Strategy to Combat the Spread of HIV in the Russian Federation include: raising awareness of citizens about HIV infection, preventing HIV infection in key populations, increasing the coverage of the population with a medical examination for HIV infection, and creating a social environment that eliminates discrimination in relation to persons infected with the human immunodeficiency virus. 

Currently, the HIV epidemiological situation in the Russian Federation remains tense, the cumulative number of registered cases of HIV infection at the beginning of 2019. amounted to 1326239 people, among whom 318870 died. In the subjects of the Volga Federal District, 269,946 HIV-infected persons were registered, of which more than 90,000 people died. Currently, almost 0.7% of the district’s population is infected with HIV. For 10 months 2019 in 14 subjects of the Volga Federal District, 14,226 new cases of HIV infection were registered. On the seven administrative territories of the Volga region (Samara, Orenburg, Ulyanovsk and Nizhny Novgorod regions, Perm Territory, Udmurt Republic, Bashkortostan) as of 01.10.2019. incidence rates exceeding the average district are recorded (48.4 per 100,000 population).

From November 25 to December 1, 2019 the thematic “hot line” will work, a single consultation center of Rospotrebnadzor - 8-800-555-49-43 (the call is free). Disease prevention and safe behavior, where it is possible to undergo free and anonymous testing, what is the epidemiological situation of HIV infection in the region, experts of Rospotrebnadzor will answer these and other questions.

At our institute, any information on issues related to HIV infection can be obtained by calling 469-79-08, 13 (Volga Regional Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS, https://nniiem.ru/structure/spid.html).