All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the establishment of the Federal Budgetary Scientific Institution NNIIEM named after Academician I.N. Blokhina
04  07.2024
Dear colleagues! We invite you to take part in the All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Scientific support for anti-epidemic protection of the population: current problems and solutions" dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the establishment of the Federal Budgetary Scientific Institution NNIIEM named after Academician I.N. Blokhina of Rospotrebnadzor.
Day of Remembrance and Sorrow
22  06.2024
June, 22 - the anniversary of the start of the Great Patriotic War.

The conference “Current infectious diseases of the Volga-Vyatka region” was held in Nizhny Novgorod

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The conference “Current infectious diseases of the Volga-Vyatka region” was held in Nizhny Novgorod
16  11.2023
On November 15–16, 2023, the 11th interregional interdisciplinary scientific and practical conference “Current infectious diseases of the Volga-Vyatka region” was held in Nizhny Novgorod. The Institute organized the event.

The Conference was attended by 647 people, including doctors of various specialties (pediatricians, therapists, infectious disease specialists, anesthesiologists, resuscitators, healthcare organizers, epidemiologists), microbiologists, bacteriologists, specialists from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Rospotrebnadzor, Roszdravnadzor, research institutes of various departments, higher educational institutions and commercial structures.

On November 16, 2023, at the meeting of the section “Evolution of the epidemic process of current infectious diseases: science and practice,” a Regional scientific and practical conference of young scientists was held with the participation of schoolchildren and students of specialized universities, organized in accordance with the institute’s event plan dedicated to the Decade of Science and Technology , announced by the President of the Russian Federation (decree No. 231 of April 25, 2022).

Within the framework of the section, 21 scientific reports were presented and a competition of reports of young scientists was held.
The winner of the competition was our employee Elena Igorevna Velikzhanina, another young scientist - Irina Nikolaevna Tuzova - took third prize. Reports of Ph.D. Filatova E.N., Ph.D. Sakharnov N.A., and Ph.D. Kolesnikova E.A. marked as high-level reports.

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