All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the establishment of the Federal Budgetary Scientific Institution NNIIEM named after Academician I.N. Blokhina
04  07.2024
Dear colleagues! We invite you to take part in the All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Scientific support for anti-epidemic protection of the population: current problems and solutions" dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the establishment of the Federal Budgetary Scientific Institution NNIIEM named after Academician I.N. Blokhina of Rospotrebnadzor.
Day of Remembrance and Sorrow
22  06.2024
June, 22 - the anniversary of the start of the Great Patriotic War.

Laboratory of GIS-Technologies and Bioinformatics

Home  »  Structure  »  Laboratories  »  Laboratory of GIS-Technologies and Bioinformatics
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The laboratory of GIS-technologies and Bioinformatics was established in 2013 to develop modern information technologies in the system of epidemiological surveillance and monitoring of relevant infectious and parasitic diseases of the population in the Volga Federal District. The work of the laboratory is based on cooperation with the representative office of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District and Rospotrebnadzor offices in the subjects of the district, as well as scientific organizations of Rospotrebnadzor in the field of monitoring of infectious and parasitic diseases.

Directions of activities:

  • Analysis and prognosis of infectious disease morbidity (visualization, trends, modeling).
  • Retrospective and operational epidemiological analysis of infections relevant for the Volga Federal District, forecasting the development of the epidemiological situation.
  • Introduction of spatial analysis methods in epidemiology based on the GIS-technologies.
  • Identification of priority areas of scientific research of the Institute based on the results of epidemiological analysis.
  • The GIS-project "Electronic Epidemiological Atlas of the Volga Federal District” has been designed and developed.
  • Elaboration and maintenance of thematic sections of the electronic epidemiological Atlas together with the Volga district center for the prevention and control of AIDS, the Volga regional scientific and methodological center for the study of enterovirus infections and the Reference center for the monitoring of enterovirus infections.
  • Development and improvement of Atlas analytical tools and optimization of interactive features.

Laboratory achievements:

A protocol for obtaining initial data from hygiene and epidemiology centers and / or territorial departments of Rospotrebnadzor in subjects of the Volga Federal Districthas been developed.

A database structure for storing information has been designed and implemented. This database structure includes: spatial data on the boundaries of administrative units; directories of administrative units; directory of infections; case incidence data; population data.

In the period 2015-2018 a total of 77 databases of Electronic Epidemiological Atlas have been registered.

A working prototype of the GIS "Epidemiological Atlas of the Volga Federal District" was created, which allows forming databases on the incidence of 123 infections in 542 administrative units of 14 subjects of the Volga Federal District.

The fundamental possibility of elaborating a serial sample of GIS "Epidemiological Atlas of the Federal District "and the relevance of the R&D on developing GIS "Epidemiological Atlas of Russia" were confirmed.


  • Improvement of the epidemiological atlas of the federal district for subsequent transfer to regional (district) centers for monitoring of infectious diseases in the relevant federal districts of the Russian Federation.
  • Elaboration of electronic epidemiological atlas of Russia.
  • Improvement of the application methodology of GIS-technologies in the system of epidemiological surveillance and monitoring of relevant infectious and parasitic diseases of the population.

Phone: +7(831) 469-79-61 


Address: 603950, Nizhny Novgorod, Malaya Yamskaya st., 71, 7th floor.
