International Day of Memory of people who died from AIDS

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International Day of Memory of people who died from AIDS
07  05.2019
In 2019, the world community will mark the 36th International Day of Memory of people who died from AIDS, which is a symbol of support for people living with HIV, with a call to action to raise public awareness.

The action is designed to eradicate stereotypes associated with HIV infection, to do everything possible to protect people from this disease, and to protect patients from discrimination, to provide affordable treatment, respect for rights and freedoms. Theme of the day 2019 - "Activization of the struggle for health and rights".

The epidemic of HIV infection threatens the life, health and well-being of the population of any country. HIV-infected citizens are registered in all regions of the Russian Federation; in December 2018, 1,007,369 Russians were living in the country diagnosed with HIV.

The Volga Federal District is a territory with a very high level of HIV infection. In the subjects of the district on 12/31/18 over 255,000 infected with HIV are revealed. The prevalence rate was 665.9 per 100,000 population, i.e. almost 0.7% of the VFD population, surveyed for HIV, has a positive HIV status. In 2018 In the subjects of the Volga Federal District, 20152 new cases of HIV have been identified, including 175 in children. The regional average incidence rate was 68.2 per 100,000 of the population, which is slightly lower than the 2017 level. (70.5). However, in the seven territories of the Volga Federal District in 2018 the incidence level exceeding the middle circle was registered: Perm region (129.5), Orenburg (109.5), Samara (94.4), Ulyanovsk (86.8), Nizhny Novgorod (72.4) regions, Republic of Bashkortostan (68.5 ) and Udmurt Republic (76.8).

The specific features of the epidemic process of HIV infection in the district at the present stage are the increase in the number of newly infected infected older age groups, the increase in the cohort of sexually infected people who are not in the high-risk infection groups. In addition, there has been an increase in the number of newly diagnosed HIV-positive people who are in the advanced stages of the disease, and, as a result, an increase in the number of deaths, including due to HIV infection. Over the entire observation period in the administrative territories of the Volga Federal District, 86193 people infected with HIV died of all causes, of which 25893 died directly from HIV infection.

The objectives of the Day of Memory remain unchanged: to inform the public on a wide range of issues of HIV infection: ways of transmission and mechanisms of infection, methods of prevention and treatment, social and humanitarian aspects of HIV / AIDS, information resources, ways of developing a personal responsible position in relation to their own health, development behavioral skills to reduce the risk of HIV infection. In this regard, for the sixth time in the Russian Federation from 14 to 19 May 2019, the Stop HIV / AIDS campaign will be held, organized by the Foundation for Cultural Initiatives (information on the campaign on the Foundation's website: Mobile anonymous HIV testing rooms, thematic and preventive activities using advanced Internet technologies will be organized throughout the country.

Information on all issues related to HIV / AIDS can be obtained by calling:

469-79-07, 469-79-13 - Volga district center for the prevention and fight of AIDS (;

8 800 555 49 43 - Unified Consultation Center of Rospotrebnadzor.