Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!
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Institute employees took part in the scientific and industrial forum "Great Rivers"

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Institute employees took part in the scientific and industrial forum "Great Rivers"
17  07.2020
Employees of the laboratory of GIS technologies and bioinformatics took part in the scientific congress "Sustainable development of regions in the basins of great rivers" of the 22nd International Scientific and Industrial Forum "Great Rivers".

The 22nd International Scientific and Industrial Forum “Great Rivers” (environmental, hydrometeorological, energy security) / ICEF-2020 ”was held on May 27 - 29, 2020 in the format of a video conference on the“ Zoom ”platform. (http://www.nngasu.ru/word/reki2020/programma-plen-zased-260520.pdf)

The resolution of the scientific congress approved the work of the N.N. Academician IN Blokhina on the development of the GIS "Epidemiological Atlas of Russia". (http://www.nngasu.ru/word/reki2020/rezoljuciya_kongressa (23.06.20).pdf)