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About the monkeypox situation

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About the monkeypox situation
07  11.2022
In connection with the statement of the World Health Organization (WHO) that the outbreak of monkeypox remains a public health emergency of international importance, Rospotrebnadzor informs.

In connection with the statement of the World Health Organization (WHO) that the outbreak of monkeypox remains a public health emergency of international importance, Rospotrebnadzor informs.

Since the beginning of the current outbreak of monkeypox in Russia, two imported cases have been confirmed. Both patients were discharged from infectious diseases hospitals after full recovery. Thanks to the timely isolation of patients and promptly taken anti-epidemic measures, it was possible to avoid the emergence of a chain of infections.

Rospotrebnadzor is taking all necessary measures to stop the risks of importing monkeypox, as well as to prevent the possibility of the spread of this disease. There is no need to conduct any additional anti-epidemic measures on the territory of Russia.

When the first reports of cases of monkeypox appeared in European countries, sanitary and quarantine control was strengthened at the Russian border. Today, throughout Russia, there is the possibility of operational testing for monkeypox. Comprehensive methodological recommendations on the procedure for identifying people with suspected this disease have been brought to medical institutions.

Rospotrebnadzor provides methodological and scientific support to friendly countries interested in cooperation in combating the spread of monkeypox. Deliveries of test systems produced by the SSC VB "Vector" of Rospotrebnadzor are carried out to the countries of near and far abroad.

The situation is under strict control of Rospotrebnadzor.