Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!
28  12.2024
Congratulations from the director of the institute N.N. Zaitseva
As part of the AIDS Week, the institute's staff held thematic classes with students of the Volga Region Research Medical University
26  12.2024
Educational and outreach events for 3rd year students of the medical faculty of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Primary Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of Russia were held as part of the traditional #STOPHIVAIDS campaign for World AIDS Day.

Pupils working under the leadership of the Institute employees won the technical creativity contests

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Pupils working under the leadership of the Institute employees won the technical creativity contests
23  12.2019
Students of the creative team "School of Information Technology", supervised by employees of the Microbiology laboratory and personally acting head laboratory Kryazhev D.V., received awards at regional and All-Russian competitions.

Employees of the microbiology laboratory of our institute provided advisory assistance to students of the School of Information Technology creative team (supervisor Volkova T.N.) in the framework of the project "Smart Workplace of the Microbiologist URM 1" developed by the guys.

This project received high awards at regional and All-Russian competitions: the winner of the regional competition of technical creativity "RUKAMI" and the winner in the nomination "Best Research Project" of the All-Russian stage of the International Robot Olympiad.

The School of Information Technologies operates on the basis of the Nizhny Novgorod Municipal Budgetary Institution of Continuing Education "V.P. Chkalov Palace of Children's Creativity".