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Strategic reserve 2021

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From 26 to 28 February, the Nizhny Novgorod stage of the All-Russian Youth Forum of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia “Strategic Reserve 2021” took place on the territory of the Gorodetsky sanatorium.

The main goal of the forum is to protect the socio-economic rights of working and student youth, to attract them to the ranks of trade unions, and to train a new cadre asset. From the Nizhny Novgorod regional organization of the trade union of health workers, 9 young activists from various medical institutions took part in the event. Our Institute was represented at the forum by a member of the youth commission of the FBUN NNIIEM named after Academician I.N. Blokhinoy Leonov Artem Viktorovich - Junior Researcher, Laboratory of Molecular Epidemiology of Viral Infections.

Artem Viktorovich is pleased to share his impressions of the forum: “The rich two-day program included theoretical and practical classes, sports and entertainment events.

The workshop on social design was very interesting. In a relaxed atmosphere, young trade union activists also exchanged experience in the implementation of projects already operating on the basis of their organizations, in which both young people and labor collectives take part.

The panel discussion “What country do we want to live in ?!” was held vividly and interestingly, within the framework of which a strategic concept for the development of the youth trade union movement was developed.

Spartakiad and quests aimed at team building were cheerful, reckless and incendiary, and in the evening - a disco. "

Such forums help to strengthen and develop trade union organizations. Our Institute plans to take an active part in youth trade union events in the future, showing an example of a healthy and active lifestyle.