All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the establishment of the Federal Budgetary Scientific Institution NNIIEM named after Academician I.N. Blokhina
04  07.2024
Dear colleagues! We invite you to take part in the All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Scientific support for anti-epidemic protection of the population: current problems and solutions" dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the establishment of the Federal Budgetary Scientific Institution NNIIEM named after Academician I.N. Blokhina of Rospotrebnadzor.
Day of Remembrance and Sorrow
22  06.2024
June, 22 - the anniversary of the start of the Great Patriotic War.


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We can congratulate ourselves - we are the winners of the competition for the title "Best Primary Trade Union Organization - 2023" among organizations with up to 100 trade union members! The 3rd degree diploma was presented by the Chairman of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Organization of the Trade Union of Healthcare Workers of the Russian Federation Vasily Nikolaevich Prikaznov to Olga Vladimirovna Parfenova at the ceremonial event of the Regional Committee dedicated to the Day of the Medical Worker. We try to make the trade union life of our institute useful and interesting for all employees and successfully perform the functions of social partnership.

Сотрудники нашего института накануне Дня медицинского работника прекрасно отдохнули во время речной прогулки, организованной Профсоюзным комитетом. Погода, виды любимого горо

On the eve of Medical Worker's Day, our Institute's employees had a wonderful rest during a river cruise organized by the Trade Union Committee. The weather, the views of our favorite city, and the friendly company created a wonderful mood, which always contributes to successful work!

On June 12, the NNIIEM Trade Union organized a fascinating excursion to the Museum of Living Paper for the children of the institute's employees. The small, cozy museum turned out to be a very interesting place and pleased us with a rich collection of wonderful original works. The children and their parents "plunged" into a fairy tale, where not only the heroes, fairy-tale and cartoon characters, but also the entire entourage - benches and chairs, were made of paper using the papier-mâché technique. We took part in a master class, listened to a mini-excursion about the history of the museum and the methods of making exhibits. There was an opportunity to try on hats and masks, sit on a throne and leave a note on a wish tree. The children and adults received a lot of positive emotions!

On May 6, a delegation from our institute of three people took part in a gala event dedicated to the celebration of the 79th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. at the bust of Marshal K.K. Rokossovsky on the Alley of Memory and Glory of the Soviet District, where the rally took place, there were heartfelt congratulations to the veterans and a wonderful festive concert

Dear colleagues, we congratulate you on International Workers’ Day! Every day your work and efforts contribute to the prosperity and well-being of our country! We wish you good health, inexhaustible energy, inspiration and motivation to achieve all your goals! Let new strengths and ideas come along with sunny spring days, and let your favorite work and friendly team bring only positive emotions!

On April 13, a fascinating excursion trip of the Institute’s staff took place to the amazing landscapes of the Kstovo region. Other PPOs were also invited to participate in the trip. As a result, a large friendly team gathered, which was joined by members of PPO SKIB No. 9 and IKB No. 2, as well as children of trade union members. A professional tour guide, Irina Sergeevna Klokova, a member of the Nizhny Novgorod Guild of Guides and Guides-Interpreters, developed a unique author’s program for our excursion. The packed program included a large series of events: a sightseeing tour of the history of the region in the local history museum, a creative and folklore program “Eh, the land-Razgulay”, a master class on modeling, where everyone could feel like a cartoonist, a friendly feast “Tea and tea” arrived in time?", excursion on the topic "About Kstovo cinema and filming in the Great Enemy." In the village of Velikiy Vrag, participants visited one of the oldest churches in the Kstovsky district, the wooden Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God of the 17th century, an architectural monument of federal significance, learned about its history and saw its beautiful decoration. In the local history corner of the local library, enthusiastic residents have collected material about the history of their native village and the people who lived in it, about veterans who defended the country during the Second World War, and labor family dynasties. The excursionists were shown another attraction - the “Velykovrazhka” boat, built by a hereditary shipbuilder, local resident Nikolai Nikolaev, according to his grandfather’s drawings of the beginning of the last century. The excursion continued at the museum of the World Sambo Academy, where at the conclusion all participants were treated to a delicious lunch. It was interesting to listen to the stories of museum workers and local historians, who, with great love for their native land, told about its history and the people for whom it is famous. With great enthusiasm, both adults and children also took part in creative events - modeling the scenery of a plasticine cartoon created for the Kstokino film festival, round dances, and Russian folk games. The trip left an indelible impression on all the excursionists!

On April 14, the children of the institute's employees together with their parents visited the Nizhny Novgorod State Regional Children's Library named after T.A. Mavrina, whose staff conducted a fascinating excursion and introduction, telling a brief history of the library. The children also got acquainted with the book collection and children's magazines, drew on graphics tablets and mastered sand animation. The excursion turned out to be informative and interesting. Both children and adults received a lot of positive emotionsьных эмоций.


Exhibition of children's drawings

In connection with the holidays “Defender of the Fatherland Day” and “International Women’s Day”, an exhibition of children’s drawings “What my dad/grandfather, my mother/grandmother dreams of” was organized among the children and grandchildren of the Institute’s employees. Wonderful children's works will be displayed on the 4th floor of the Institute from March 6 to March 31.

Members of the Institute’s TU joined the All-Russian campaign “10,000 steps to life”

On October 1, 2023, at 11.00, the annual All-Russian campaign “10,000 steps to life” was held in the Central Park of Culture and Leisure of the Avtozavodsky district.

It is timed to coincide with World Heart Day and National Healthy Heart Week, as well as All-Russian Walking Day. The action took place simultaneously in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The purpose of the Campaign is to promote the values of a healthy lifestyle, increase the physical activity of the population, and develop natural methods of healing

A trip to Bogorodsk - Vorsma - Pavlovo June 24

On the Day of the Medical Worker, the Institute's staff received a gift - an excursion trip organized by the trade union committee to small towns of the Nizhny Novgorod region, famous for their folk crafts. On June 24, the excursionists visited the city of Bogorodsk, which on that day celebrated the 100th anniversary of its city, got acquainted with the exposition of the magnificent museum of ceramics. In the cities of Pavlovo and Vorsma, which traditionally have strong crafts associated with metal processing, they visited exhibitions of knives for various purposes - from kitchen to hunting, gift and souvenir, as well as samples of cutlery manufactured by the Pavlovsk plant of artistic metalware named after. Kirov. In the museum of the world-famous jewelry factory in the village of Kazakovo, Vachsky district, they got acquainted with the magnificent works of craftsmen working in the manual technique of grain and filigree: patterns are soldered from thin wires and decorated with metal balls. At the entrance to the plant, we took pictures against the backdrop of the monument to the coaster, the most famous product of Kazakov's filigree. Despite the rainy weather, the staff of the institute were very pleased with the trip, bought beautiful products and souvenirs.

On May 5, a solemn rally of labor collectives, educational, scientific and medical organizations of the Soviet District, dedicated to the 78th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, took place on the Alley of Memory and Glory. At the monument to Marshal of the Soviet Union K.K. Rokossovsky gathered veterans, home front workers and residents of the Soviet District. Oleg Lavrichev, Chairman of the City Duma of Nizhny Novgorod, addressed the people of Nizhny Novgorod with a welcoming speech. War songs sounded, children's creative teams performed, schoolchildren read poetry, and at the end of the festive event, white doves were released into the sky. Employees of our Institute took an active part in the solemn meeting and laid flowers at the memorial. We are proud of the veterans and thank them for the peace, freedom and independence of our Motherland, which we got thanks to their courage and courage.

Dear Colleagues!

The trade union committee congratulates you on the most significant,

the main holiday for our Fatherland -

78th anniversary of the Great Victory!

May 9 has become a symbol of national pride and memory for us. This date is in the heart of everyone who knows the price of peace, who puts the honor, freedom and independence of our Motherland above all else. Today, when Russia is fighting for the right to a peaceful life for the entire people, the lessons of the Great Patriotic War, the sacred memory of it, is more important than ever.

Our Institute wrote its bright pages filled with courage and heroism in the history of the Great Patriotic War. We know at what cost the Victory was given and sacredly honor the exploits of those who survived the heroic struggle at the front and in the rear.

Eternal glory to the heroes who gave their lives

for the freedom and happiness of our people!

Long life to veterans and home front workers!

We sincerely wish you all the best, success in your work, good health

and a peaceful sky above your head!

The first of May is an important event for every member of the trade union, the traditional "International Day of Solidarity of Workers", in Russia the state holiday "Spring and Labor". On this day, trade unions demonstrate their civil position, their readiness to fight together in solidarity for labor rights, for ensuring that the employee's salary is decent and the workplace is safe.

In this situation, the Nizhny Novgorod trade unions stand for: strengthening the principles of social partnership, stability, the need for social cohesion, the preservation and protection of labor rights and guarantees, for additional benefits for employees and their families.

The Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia is holding a large-scale action with demands aimed at protecting the social and labor rights and economic interests of workers: all this is reflected in the Resolution "WORKING SOLIDARITY - COUNTRY UNITY!".

FNPR website:

Our primary trade union organization fully supports this resolution.

Happy Holidays, dear friends!

On the birthday of Irina Nikolaevna Blokhina, the trade union organization of our Institute visited the burial place of Irina Nikolaevna at the Bugrovsky cemetery and laid flowers. On April 21, 2023, Irina Nikolaevna would have turned 102 years old.

On March 4, the NNIIEM trade union organized a fun and eventful tasting trip for the employees of our institute to the Kurtsevo cheese factory, located in a picturesque place in the Gorodetsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region on the banks of the Uzola River. During the tasting, we not only heard the fascinating history of the creation of different types of cheese, but also had the opportunity to observe the production process of their production through a glass enclosure. We managed to taste about 20 kinds of cheese (from cow's and goat's milk, soft, hard and semi-hard cheeses) and magnificent Ivan-chai. After the end of the tasting, we were full and satisfied and went to the equestrian club "Kurtsevo" to ride horses. They returned home full of positive emotions with farm cheeses, which they purchased after tasting, and vivid impressions from visiting the equestrian club. Many of the employees were sitting on a horse for the first time. And even the weather was on our side: the March warming sun, pure snow and fresh air away from the city.

Patriotic rally-concert "Glory to the defenders of the Fatherland!" took place in the Nizhny Novgorod Victory Park on February 22. The trade union of our Institute, together with hundreds of caring Nizhny Novgorod residents, took an active part in the event, and also charged with the energy of unity and support on the eve of the holiday. Once again, we want to congratulate our men and wish them good health and success in all their endeavors!

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