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March 24 - World Tuberculosis Day

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March 24 - World Tuberculosis Day
23  03.2020
Every year on March 24th we celebrate World Tuberculosis Day. In 2020 this day, special attention will be paid to the critical role of nurses in eradicating this preventable and treatable disease.

On March 24, 1882, Dr. Robert Koch announced that he was able to discover a bacterium that caused tuberculosis, making diagnosis and treatment of the disease possible. On March 24, World Tuberculosis Day is celebrated annually around the world.
The goal of World Day is to raise awareness of the detrimental effects of the disease on human health and society, to inform about the economic consequences of tuberculosis and thus intensify efforts to combat the global epidemic of the disease.

In the European Region, about 275,000 people still fall ill with tuberculosis annually. Nurses work at the forefront of the fight against tuberculosis, helping patients undergo a long and difficult course of treatment. They also play an important role in disseminating reliable information and improving people's health, helping to combat stigma and raise public awareness of ways to prevent tuberculosis.