On the antiviral activity of probiotics of the LB-complex group

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On the antiviral activity of probiotics of the LB-complex group
31  01.2023
Scientists of NNIIEM them. academician I.N. Blokhina of Rospotrebnadzor studied the antiviral activity of six industrial probiotic strains

Currently, the world scientific community is of great interest to the interaction of probiotic bacteria of the genera Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium with viruses, in connection with their use for the prevention and treatment of viral infections. Many researchers consider these bacteria as a therapeutic agent for the treatment and prevention of acute viral gastroenteritis, the mechanisms of their antiviral action are described, and it is shown that the activity of bacteria against viruses is a strain characteristic.

Scientists of NNIIEM them. academician I.N. Blokhina of Rospotrebnadzor studied the antiviral activity of six industrial probiotic strains - L. plantarum 8 RA-3, L. fermentum 39, L. fermentum 90 TC-4, B. bifidum 1, B. bifidum 791 and B. longum 379, which form the microbial basis liquid probiotic dietary supplements for food of the LB-complex group (“LB-complex”, “LB-complex L”, “LL-complex”), developed and produced in NNIIEM (state registration certificate RU. 15, RU.; RU77.99.88.003.R.003638.10.19).

Together with the staff of the MEVI laboratory, it was found that L. fermentum 39 cells are able to adsorb rotavirus particles on themselves.
In a joint work with scientists of the Federal Budgetary Institution SRC VB "Vector" of Rospotrebnadzor (Novosibirsk), it was found that the strains L. fermentum 39, L. fermentum 90 TC-4 and B. bifidum 791 exhibit pronounced activity against highly pathogenic influenza A viruses - A / Lipetsk / 1V/2018 (H1N1 pdm09) (EPI_ISL_332798), A/common gull/Saratov/1676/2018 (H5N6) (EPI_ISL_336925) in MDCK cells. Activity against the SARS-CoV-2 virus has only been demonstrated by the L. fermentum 90 TC 4 strain in VERO cells. Thus, it was proved that the strains L. fermentum 39, L. fermentum 90 TC-4 and B. bifidum 791 have a pronounced antiviral activity, and probiotics containing these strains can be used for the prevention and in the complex treatment of diseases caused by rotaviruses, influenza A viruses, including H1N1, and the SARS‑Cov‑2.1 virus.

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