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A conference of young scientists and specialists of Rospotrebnadzor was held in Rostov-on-Don

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A conference of young scientists and specialists of Rospotrebnadzor was held in Rostov-on-Don
23  10.2020
On October 21-22, 2020, the XII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists of Rospotrebnadzor "Modern Problems of Epidemiology, Microbiology and Hygiene" and a meeting of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of Rospotrebnadzor took place.

The events were held in the format of a video conference. More than 250 young scientists and specialists from 98 organizations of Rospotrebnadzor, scientific and other organizations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Ministry of Health of Russia from 50 regions of the Russian Federation took part in the conference. A total of 120 points of connection to video conferencing were organized.

The conference program included 41 reports on the following issues:

  • fundamental, applied and legal aspects of public health risk analysis;
  • assessment of risks and damage to public health, including children, under the influence of various environmental factors;
  • prevention of non-communicable diseases associated with environmental factors;
  • actual problems of occupational medicine and assessment of occupational health risks;
  • chemical, biological and radiation safety of the population;
  • international cooperation and issues of harmonization of Russian sanitary legislation in the framework of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population and protecting the rights of consumers;
  • actual problems of epidemiology and prevention of infectious and non-infectious diseases;
  • information technology in the study and monitoring of infectious diseases, social and hygienic monitoring, geoinformation and forecasting-modeling systems;
  • modern methods and algorithms for laboratory diagnostics of infectious diseases;
  • new biotechnologies for the development and production of drugs for laboratory diagnostics and prevention of infectious diseases;
  • clinical diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases: methods and perspectives;
  • nanotechnology in living systems, safety assessment of nanomaterials.

In connection with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, much attention was paid to the study of the new coronavirus infection.
The Institute was represented by Nikolai Aleksandrovich Sakharnov, a researcher at the Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. He presented a report on the topic "Study of the mechanisms of immunopathogenesis of EBV infection in children". Report by Sakharnov N.A. was noted for the high level of training and excellent knowledge of the material.
On October 22, within the framework of the conference, an annual meeting of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of Rospotrebnadzor took place. NNIIEM Council of Young Scientists was represented by acting Chairman Zalesskikh Artem Alexandrovich. The following issues were discussed at the meeting:

  • Results of the work of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of Rospotrebnadzor for 2020 The results of the functioning of the site of CYSaS Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Introduction and approval of a new member of the Bureau from the Moscow region.
  • Consideration of the possibility of placing the annual All-Russian conference of young scientists and specialists of Rospotrebnadzor in the system of continuing medical education.
  • On the order of effective use of resources of electronic scientific libraries, scientometric databases. On the possibilities of increasing publication activity and scientific performance of young scientists of Rospotrebnadzor. Formation of a specialized departmental scientific journal peer-reviewed by the Higher Attestation Commission for the publications of young scientists.

Elena Nikolaevna Filatova, a member of the CYSaS Bureau of Rospotrebnadzor, made a report on the work of the SMUiS Rospotrebnadzor website.