Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!
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Congratulations from the director of the institute N.N. Zaitseva
As part of the AIDS Week, the institute's staff held thematic classes with students of the Volga Region Research Medical University
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Meeting of the Councils of Young Scientists of the Volga Federal District was held in a remote format

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Meeting of the Councils of Young Scientists of the Volga Federal District was held in a remote format
22  04.2020
On April 22 and 29, 2020, a working meeting was held for members of the Coordinating Council for Youth in the Scientific and Educational Spheres of the Presidential Council for Science and Education with the advice of young scientists in the Volga Federal District. From the Council of Young Scientists of our Institute the meeting was attended by the responsible representative Filatova Elena Nikolaevna.

The meeting was held in a remote format using the Zoom platform. The agenda included issues related to expanding the interaction of the councils of young scientists of the Volga Federal District with the Coordinating Council, updating information on the existing councils of young scientists in the okrug, the question of expanding regional measures to support young scientists, and others.

Chaired by a member of the Coordination Council, responsible for coordinating the councils of young scientists in the Volga Federal District Konakov Anton Alekseevich. In total, 27 representatives of the Coordination Council, councils of young scientists of the Volga Federal District and representatives of relevant ministries of the Volga Federal District subjects took part in the meeting.

As a result of the meeting, decisions were made to expand the interaction between the councils of young scientists of the Volga Federal District at the regional level, to organize the collection and systematization of information on the activities of the councils, the best and worst practices of their work, and on existing and desired measures to support young scientists. The meeting participants paid particular attention to the issue of popularizing the work of a young scientist in Russia, as well as the need to extend support measures to young scientists, regardless of the departmental affiliation of the organization in which they carry out their scientific activities.