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Trip to Bogorodsk

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On February 29, a sightseeing trip to Bogorodsk was organized by the trade union organization. Along the way, the guide presented to our attention interesting facts from the history of Bogorodsk and Nizhny Novgorod land.

The first goal of the trip was the famous Bogorodsk City History Museum, which has a large collection of exhibits from different eras. A tour was held in the museum dedicated to the history of the city, the development of crafts, the geographical and toponomic features of the area, and the living conditions of the past. At the end of the tour, everyone took part in a master class on the manufacture of key rings from the famous Bogorodsk leather.

The next item was a visit to the Museum of Ceramics, located in the same building as the city's historical museum. Ceramist Alexander Chernyshev showed a drawing on fired ceramic products by two techniques - traditional Russian (welding in flour mash) and Japanese (Raku). Then a tour was held in the halls of the Museum, which has a unique decor and stores hundreds of pottery and ceramic products of different times and styles.

After the master class on the basics of pottery, everyone had the opportunity, under the guidance of museum staff, to make their own clay crafts on the potter's wheel.

Many took advantage of this offer and took away with their own hand made pots or glasses.

The Museum has a sales department where you can buy wonderful souvenirs made by Bogorodsk craftsmen.

Our trip ended with a walking tour of the city to Lake Kaback, on whose banks unique monuments of Russian architecture of the 19th century have been preserved.
We are very grateful to the people who organized such a wonderful, memorable trip!
Until new travel!

Zverev V.V.